RPP – MT 151E

RPP – MT 151 E

RPP MT 151 E is a redispersible polymer 151 E produced by spray-drying special water-based emulsion, mostly based on vinyl acetate and ethylene. It dissolves in water easily and quickly forms emulsion.

Skim coat (Putty), EIFS system mortar, Tile adhesive / Tile joint filler, Self-level mortar.

Supply high flexibility, Increase adhesion strength, Improves workability, improve water proofing of mortar and reduce water absorption.

Technicial Specifications
Appearance White, free flowing powder
Solid Content ≥ 99%
Ash Content (1000℃) 9% ±2
Average Particle Size ~ 80 μm
Bulk Density 400 - 500 g/l
pH Value 5.0 - 7.0
Tg 3 ℃
MFFT 5 ℃